Happy New Year!
2010 was a great year...we moved into our new home, had some great vacations, went to some awesome concerts and celebrated 10 years of marriage. Lucy has grown up so much this past year and time is flying by. I've been on the ball so far this new year and am in the process of applying for preschools. The thought of Lucy going to a little class this fall is more than I can handle some moments and others I wish she was enrolled in summer school!
Crisp calendars, fresh starts, Christmas decorations away...these are really the only great things about January. And by the middle of the month I'm over the calendars. But I know 2011 is going to be an AMAZING year and one day spring will be here.
We have exciting news for 2011 - we've been named the Utah Ambassador Family for the March for Babies!! This is really such an honor for us and I am so excited to share our story and represent the March for Babies. With this title we will be able to help participate in many March of Dimes events this year and will have some speaking opportunities (yikes) to share our story and connection to the March of Dimes. This will be our fourth year walking in the March of Babies and every year we are so overwhelmed with the love and support of friends and family who've participated and donated to this cause. This year I REALLY want to be overwhelmed! Blake and I will always participate in this cause but this year we really want to make a plea to our friends and family to get involved. We want to have our biggest team showing yet at the march on May 14, 2011 at This Is the Place Heritage Park. After this year we will of course love to have your support but PLEASE if you can this year, register, donate and WALK with us!! We've usually had one of the largest number of team members but this year being the Ambassador Family I want to make sure we are #1.
The walk is just over 4 months away but now is a great time to decide to join us - here are some ways:
If you've joined our team before you can use your same user name and password. Make a fundraising goal. I'm asking for a goal of at least $10. If you are bringing a family and only want to register one of you - that is fine! And still, just a $10. goal is great.
Email me: if you don't want to register but do want to show up and walk that day we'll take you! Registering is a good way for the March of Dimes to have an estimate of attendees but if you'd rather not that's fine too. Just let me know so I can update you with information on our Team Lucy Bug! email list.
My amazing aunt Kim and cousin Alisa are going to host another bake sale for our team this year! They did such a great job last year and raised so much money for us. If you would be interested in making a treat for us to sale at the bake sale let me know! The bake sale will be in May on a Saturday before the walk.
And if you'd like to make a donation to our team it would be so appreciated. Click here to be directed to my page
www.marchforbabies.org/codi21 or click on the March for Babies widget on the sidebar of the blog.
THANK YOU!! This year is very important to us and I know Team Lucy Bug! will again be a success because of you!
Walk details:
This Is The Place Heritage Park (same as last year)
Saturday May 14, 2011
Registration 9:00
Walk starts 10:00 (our committee will really push for the walk to start on time!)
After the walk there will be entertainment, food, bounce houses, train rides all free with your participation in the walk.