Front and center.
The very first sight you saw as you stepped onto bake sale grounds (after Brinton accosted you in your car on the drive in) was Lucy and her lemonade stand. Healthy, happy, with friends, laughing, running - thanks in large part to the work of the March of Dimes.
Ten weeks early, over one pound, tiny lungs needing extra help.
That is why we walk, raise money, give back.
And give back we did! The bake sale last year was an amazing inaugural event - we fought the rain and cold and still managed an impressive grand total.
This year we had quite a few extra tables of yumminess, sunshine and very generous customers. But who knew we would TRIPLE our amount from last year?!
Well, we did and it was a truly wonderful day.
Lucy's lemonade stand was a darling hit. My mom made her cute stand and apron and some of those .50 cent lemonades turned into 5.00 lemonades!

My favorite pink gorilla...ever!
Brinton really outdid himself.
Dancing, somersaulting, high five-ing cyclists - he was kind of the hit of the event!
So many wonderful treats - made by many fabulous and generous bakers.
And friends...
one gift Lucy has given me since she's been born is crying at the drop of a hat.
As I would see familiar faces walk up I just got tingly and teary-eyed. Thank you all so much for your amazing support.

The two busiest bakers, my cousin Alisa and aunt Kim. They are the bake sale queens! I hope they both know how much all of their hard work means to us.
Creeping on customers.

No wonder he was so exhausted after the event - lounging takes a lot of work!
Until next year ladies...
(thank you, thank you, thank you!)
It was such a success because our amazing friends and family who continue year after year to support us and this important cause. Thanks to all of the bakers, packers, Steve and his awesome printing skills and donation of flyers, raffle donors and packers (mom), Caitlin's cupcakes, D, Crosby and Lennox for sharing Alisa and letting us take over your house and yard, the gorilla and every single person who stopped by - we love you!!
As of this morning we are $1,000. over our goal with a total so far of $4,377.00!
for those of you great Team Lucy Bug! members who will be walking with us on Saturday...
I found out today the actual March for Babies program will START at 10:00 - with a few speakers and announcements. We will be the last speaker and then they want our team to try and make our way to the start of the pack and lead off the walk. There will be a lot of us so if you can't make your way to the front we'll regroup a few minutes into the walk.
The gates open at 9:00 but you really don't need to be there until 9:45 or so. We'll be near the entrance gate into the park. Wear your pink and green and make sure you get a wristband from one of us or from the registration tables.
After the walk we want to get a few team pictures and then feel free to leave or hang out for a bit. There will be food, bounce houses, face-painting, train rides and more!
See you Saturday and call Blake or me the morning of if you can't find us!
All I can say is YOU are simply AMAZING! Love ya!
Codi, I also have the "cry over everything" syndrome. What a beautiful day it was. We are so excited for the walk on Saturday. To see so many friends and family together for our little Luce is such a special, heartwarming gathering. Nothing is better than being her Gammy. Love you all.
I can't wait for next year to join in the festivities...I sure have missed out on a lot. Love, love, love you ALL!
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