I'm not sure what the best part was of Caitlin's bowling birthday bash:
- finding out my parents haven't bowled in 40! years
- the pizza factory bread torches
- 3 of us talking about past back issues and all secretly hoping for no injuries
- watching Lucy's dramatic sing and dance routine when Justin B.'s "Baby" came on
- knowing that we only were playing one game

We really had such a fun night and I think some of us might opt to start picking activities for our birthdays instead of my snoozer senior citizen birthday breakfast at little america.

(Coleman was up to bowl during this pic and Blake disappears when I have my camera)
Happy birthday - bash sister!
1 comment:
I'm glad you got pictures, even if they are major creepster. I thought it was FUN! Thx for my shoes - they're coming Monday :)
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