Yeah, it's August.
But I'm ready for the change in the air and ready to move into a new season. I'm ready for schedules, cooler air and some more orange in my life.
Blake brought home these beauties for me the other day and they're the perfect welcome for fall to arrive.

But instead of watching the calendar we're making the most of the last few weeks of summer. Lucy starts school pretty soon and we're having fun playing outside and visits to the pool. Last weekend we even had our own backyard movie night. I thought we'd need the elaborate set-up of a projector and screen but in about five minutes Blake just set up one of our tv's and we were good to go! We had such a fun night and it was so cozy to have our treats and movies in our own back yard.

Summer isn't complete without breakfast in the canyon.
morning people
Summer growth spurts.
Lucy has grown almost two shoe sizes over the summer and is in a bigger size of clothes. Her hair seems to grow longer by the day and don't even get me started on her personality.
4 going on 14 is no exaggeration.

We've had a great summer so far...
enjoy the rest of yours!