Whew! We're back from our California getaway and we had a fabulous time! It's the longest trip we've taken in quite awhile - a full 7 days. We've taken almost a week before but that has involved a day or two of driving but this trip we flew (thanks Jetblue for rates cheaper than gas) so with a full week I was able to fully relax and reenergize. I haven't quite made it to organize yet though...as far as pictures. I have two cameras and phone full of pictures so maybe I'll get to a trip report next week. Most of the readers of the blog were actually on the trip so I'm not going to put too much pressure on myself.
The picture above is Lucy on our full first day back home. She was full of energy and ready to resume nonstop fun with a fully housed staff of maids, butlers, audience members and entertainers... pretty much what she had on the trip.
So let's just say getting her back to reality has been a treat this week. On Monday I knew we needed a craft, outside time, tv time and snacks. On the Family Fun website they have a ton of cute craft ideas so I picked "take a nature walk, collect berries, leaves and twigs to make a sign". Well, the nature walk went well but once we got back inside Lucy said she refused to help make the "idiot" sign and colored pictures of Jack Skellington silently next to me. I was in no mood to argue and didn't attempt to cut a circle out of cardboard for nothing so I made the sign...alone.

Lucky for everyone it was back to work and preschool on Tuesday. My favorite thing about Lucy's school is the cute crafts she comes home with. Tuesday they made a "thankful tree" with what Lucy is thankful for: mom, dad, wedge. Of course she left out Suki. We asked her why and she said "I'm not thankful for him."

My poor Suk.

We're all back into our routines and vacation hangovers are going away. But today panic set in for me a bit - Christmas is just over 5 weeks away and I haven't bought a single thing. Nothing! But worse than that is I have no real ideas for gifts. Today I thought I might have a possible, little "stuffer" idea...
Lucy has a new obsession...Muppets. With the new movie coming out it's all she can talk about. I personally find them a bit creeptown, usa, but I do remember watching Muppet movies as a kid so I guess I get her obsession. Well in a magazine ad we saw OPI nail polish in Muppet colors (not as weird as it sounds) but Lucy freaked! So today I find myself traveling the valley to find this polish. Sometimes I get so fixated on something that I will do insane things like drive to as many JCPenny Salons (I had a coupon) as I can think of and none of them had the MISS PIGGY COLOR! Finally, in the parking lot of Valley Fair mall I took a breath from inhaling caramel corn (the only redeeming store or item that mall has) and realized I was spending a ridiculous amount of time (and gas) looking for nail polish...Muppet nail polish...for a 4 year old.
So nothing checked off my list today and the laid back vibe of vacation may be dwindling but that's why we have lots of pictures and really fun memories. So with the chaotic craziness of the holidays around the corner (which really, everyone secretly loves) I'll have a happy place in my head to go to...

(she is such a good girl and she had such a fun week - I can't even remember how lame our trips must have been before her)
p.s. if you're not watching Parenthood you should. It's probably my favorite right now. It always has really good music but when I heard this tonight (and knew every word) I was like, love it!
Oh, the things we do for our kids.
1) glad you had a great trip.
2) I liked your craft and might copy you...
3) the things we do for our kids....I'll look for the nail polish and If I find some, I'll pick it up for you. You are a very good mom to travel to the ghetto mall. Thats worth a couple buckets of caramel corn and a couple cherry chocolates from Mrs. Cavanaughs.
I love, love, LOVE Parenthood. Although I'm behind and just gorge myself on the DVDs as soon as a new season comes out. Don't give me an spoilers!
You are too cute...glad the trip was good! And I love that Luce does the "foot pop" in her pictures...she is a total diva;) love her...and her nail polish...who wouldn't want Miss piggy nail pokish...you guys are great;)
Oh how I loved this post! The OPI, you're KIDDING! I must at least read the names. Your account of popcorn in the car in the midst of your nail polish hunt was one of the most hilarious things I've heard! I love you! And seriously let's face it, if I had a little girl I can picture myself doing the same thing.
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