So there's no snow here yet but we've been counting down for Christmas for the last couple of weeks and now we're just a handful of days away....woo hoo!!
I've been so excited for Christmas this year so instead of waiting to almost the middle of the month we bought our tree and decorated right after the first of the month.

This chair is my early Christmas present!! I made Blake go to a Pottery Barn Christmas entertaining class with me (mostly for the 10% off coupon) on a Sunday early in the month and as we were checking out we spotted this darling chair. We've wanted an armless to add to the living room and this was what I was looking for. So, early Christmas for me!

I needed a mini tree in our bedroom this year just to have another room with glowing lights. I might have to keep this up longer than our usual December 26 purge.

This is Lucy's. But since this picture about 400 more pink sparkle ornaments have been added.
I made a Christmas activity list because the month flies by too fast and I want to make sure we get in as much in as we can. Well there were only a handful of ideas I came up but we ended up doing a lot more...We've done Zoolights, Lucy made a gingerbread house, went to the Nativity in the Glen, adopted an ornament and went shopping for UAID, drove around to look at lights and eat treats, went to my work party at the country club, Blake went solo to his "no spouses" party at Grand America, Lucy saw Annie at Pioneer Theater with my parents, decorated cookies and visited with good friends, made crafty ornaments on a cozy morning with good friends, had my work girls gift exchange and dinner and lots of Christmas movies cozied in at home.
And one of the highlights was Lucy's preschool Christmas program!
Rockin' out on her homemade guitar, strummin' away singing "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree".
Preschool has been the best decision ever. I only wish she would have had another year here because it's been such a great experience. Almost every class in December she came home with a darling project. This performance was the best and so was seeing Lucy pop up standing on the church pews looking back for us!

Who knew "All I want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth" could be so funny!!
The day after her performance we got up bright and early for Breakfast with Santa at Grand America. The breakfast buffet is delicious (white hot chocolate with homemade marshmallows!) but the highlight of course is Santa and Mrs. Clause. In the middle of breakfast you hear the jingle jingle and then the two of them singing (and having everyone else join in) "Santa Clause is coming to Town". Pure magic!

After they come around to each little table we go into the next room for some one on one time to discuss matters.

Santa got specific requests: American Girl doll, with red curly hair, blue eyes and her ears pierced...let's hope she's been good!

Taking in all of the festive hotel.

We've had such a good month spending time with friends, family and just the three of us. Now let's hope for at least a little snow!
Merry Christmas!
(yeah, I was busy having too much holiday fun to do Christmas cards...so this is it!)
OMG!! You have been having way to much fun! and I MUST say the picture of the two of you by the Christmas tree is my ALL TIME FAVORITE!!!
Agh...LOVE your chair! Perfect!
All your pictures are darling...Love the one with Luc in the store front window..What a fun holiday!!
Hope you guys had a very Merry Christmas!
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