Saturday morning we were treated to dancing sugarplums!
Another Christmas recital with Miss Julie and all of her darling dancers. The Toddler & Tiara episodes must be rubbing off on Lucy because she kept asking for more makeup and lipgloss...
sparkle baby!

I think this was our best recital yet. Lucy could not wait to get on stage and perform and she managed to situate herself center stage!

Wednesdays are all about two things: Miss Julie and Lucy's sweet friend Amelia. This is their third year together in dance and it's so fun to see how far they've come and how much they've grown!
She did SO well and looked darling. I love seeing her grow in dance. She gets better & better. Although, I think I prefer our private performances at home when she goes wild and shows how well she can shake her tail-feather.
Well Done LucyBug! She is a natural...darling!! love the outfit too..supercute...Go Luc!!
I say the more lip gloss the better... way to go, Luce!
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