Monday, February 27, 2012

And the award goes to...

for the most correct guesses for our annual family Oscar party!!

Give us an excuse to eat a lot of yummy food, hang out together for a few hours and 'theme' something up and we really outdo ourselves.

This year we decided to do a Hawaiian theme in honor of one of the best picture nominees, The Descendants. So my mom went all out with a luau in February. Caitlin did shredded chicken sandwiches and a yum pineapple-ish cake, Blake did grilled kabobs and rice, Calah made yummy guacomole and my mom finished up with everything else: salads, fruit and plenty of movie treats!

Lucy wanted to be decked out in a party dress and counted down all day to go to the party...she may have been a bit disappointed when she realized the 'party' was watching tv.


Of course Blake and I swept both contests. He scored us a Jamba Juice gift card for winning Oscar Bingo and all of my studying paid off in guessing the most correct wins during the ceremony. Lucy should be so proud of her parents.

My parents are always such great hosts and really, there's no better way to watch a 3 hour award show than with our crew!

A few notes:
For being one of the nicest people on the planet I don't understand how Brinton can't stand Oprah...and Meryl Streep?!

My dad loves a good 'In Memoriam' segment

Blake knows every single person in show business (well, not personally) and every movie they've ever made - he really puts my celeb knowledge to shame

George Clooney was robbed! Really, The Descendants is such an amazing movie and he was so good in it. I never thought that much about him but after this movie...wowza! It should be out to rent soon so make sure to give it a watch - by far the best movie I've seen in a long time!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

love is all we need

Blog, schmog.
Sometimes life is really amazing but really not that interesting to blog about. That's been us for the past month. Life is just moving along...preschool, work, family date nights, zumba therapy sessions, learning to read, Barbies.

Pretty much how things should be but no one really wants to read about it because they're doing it too. Sometimes I feel like documenting the mundane but not this month. I've just enjoyed living it.

But then one day you feel bad because the four people who read your blog probably are sick of seeing the latest post and one day I really promise I'm going to print "the blog" and I would hate Lucy to think that we stopped taking pictures of her for a month.

Lucky for us Valentine's rolled in this week and sparked some enthusiasm to update...

This year we did the 14 days of Valentine's again. A little treat, note, present in Lucy's mailbox every morning. I don't do well with junk toys but when you need 14 gift ideas something from the Target dollar section is bound to get tossed in. I think next year it might be easier (and cheaper) to have the Valentine fairy (or whatever this is called) to bring $1 a day.

The final gift on Valentine's morning was two tickets to see the musical Beauty and the Beast next month at Capitol Theater! I spent over an hour trying to secure some tickets. They weren't specifically for a Valentine's gift but when the treat cupboard was empty on Valentine's eve I decided it was the perfect time to tell her about the tickets. Sad for me she's insisting on Blake taking her. Her words..."Daddy just LOVES Beauty and the we will go on a daddy/daughter date night and you can stay home and look at your computer."


This is what she got for that daddy she loves so much...

I looked to Pinterest for some Valentine preschool motivation but it just made me anxious. Too much cute stuff. So we just got some cello bags, Target treats, stickers and called it good. They turned out cute and Lucy loved taking "ribbon bags" to her friends.

I had to work on Valentine's but Lucy had a special afternoon with her Gammy and Poppa. They had a special lunch and fun treats!

After we picked her up we had a dinner date out and heart-shaped sugar cookies in bed. Because yes, she's almost five and still coming in to sleep with us...

...and as much as I complain about getting kicked in the neck all night some day she probably won't even unlock the door to her room. So snuggle in little Valentine, snuggle in!