So this little bug has been pretty rambunctious the past couple of weeks. Lucy seems to be into so much more lately. I didn't think I'd be saying "no, no Luce" so often and so soon. I mean I guess this is age appropriate but this little stink bug is showing her personality more and more each day. Lucy wants remotes, phones, mommy's cup, jewelry and everything she shouldn't have. Not too long ago she was easily entertained by her own things but now she seems to want all of my things! The mornings I'm home during the week I usually feed Lucy after she's up and then let her play with her toys and babble in bed with me while I drink my coffee and read the paper - today that proved to be a challenge. Lucy isn't crawling but from her sitting position she maneuvers from her boppy onto me and wants to reach for my cup. She is obsessed with paper and no matter where I positioned myself this sweet bug seemed to grab ahold of the newspaper. The picture up above was this afternoon. I left her alone for two minutes and she ripped this from a magazine and had it in her mouth. When I took it away she literally cried for ten minutes until she fell asleep. Dra-ma! She's very entertaining and I don't know how serious she takes my "no, no"'s when I have a big fat smile on my face.

ahh the sweet sound of pounding drums (not to mention the toy's voice counting in Spanish - why did I pick some of these toys)!
no longer my little poser - now SHE wants the camera

my "juicy" girl.
this was taken last week one morning before going to grandma's - she just looked like such a little diva girl in her Juicy suit and sleek yoga slippers!

my sweet girl (in a 3-6 month outfit, thankyouverymuch!)
this was taken last week one morning before going to grandma's - she just looked like such a little diva girl in her Juicy suit and sleek yoga slippers!
Oh Codi I can't tell what a big smile I had on my face when I seen the picture of her sitting by herself. This little girl has come so far! WAY TO GO LUCE!!!!
How freaking cute can a baby be? She is going to be JUST as much drama as the rest of the women in this family... and I love it. She's so strong and beautiful, I am so proud of her and of you. 55 days till you can party in Vegas Lucy, and lounge by the pool in your baby bikini. Love u
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