Today we went to the Neonatal Follow-up Program given by the Department of Health at Primary Children's. The title of the post was asked by one of the doctor's who saw her and it just struck me funny because Lucy is such a social bug. The Neonatal Follow-up Program (NFP) is a program created for premature babies to come back and be evaluated by a number of specialists to observe and study their development and progress. This program is offered for babies at about 4-6 months and continues every 6 months to a year until a child is school-aged. When Lucy was discharged from the hospital her information was never sent to NFP so I called on my own and set it up; because of this she missed the first visit and this was our first experience at the NFP. This morning I had my usual pre-appointment anxiety but because of what we went through I don't expect to ever get over that. But once we walked into the building I felt much better. This was a very welcoming clinic and we were very excited for the experience. Luckily Blake came with us so we both could ask questions and watch our bug go through the program.
Lucy was first weighed and measured and she is 22 1/2 inches long and 9 pounds 11 ounces - we are so close to ten!! Tomorrow she sees her regular pediatrician so it will be interesting to see how the scales compare. She had her blood pressure, temp and heart rate checked and then we hung out in a big waiting room and one by one doctors and specialists would call us to their rooms - all within the same area. Lucy was seen by a dietitian, audiologist (hearing), pediatrician, neurologist, psychologist and physical therapist. Every doctor said Lucy is doing amazing. Her only real issue is her size, and that isn't really and issue considering her small beginning. She obviously isn't on the "average" growth charts but she's following her own and she always steadily gains. She's doing well with solids and today she even tried some puff cereals that she loved. Her hearing is perfect. She needs a little help with her gross motor development (sitting, rolling) but we knew that and are currently working with a PT. When we met with the psychologist she said that she usually doesn't see babies until 9 months adjusted (Lucy is 7 months adjusted) but we'd see her anyway. Well by the end of that session Lucy was testing cognitively at 12 months. She is very engaged and figures things out fast - so pretty much as Blake announced "she's gifted". It is very good to know she socializes and interacts well and can make sense of things so well. In all of those areas she's very ahead, she just needs some help making her tiny body do big things. The pediatrician who saw her was wonderful. He was an older doctor who I had been told practiced for over 40 years and had a lot of experience with preemies. He was so entertained by Lucy and kept calling her "remarkable". He went through a series of questions asking if Lucy could... and after each question she started exhibiting what he asked. "Is she babbling and making a consonant-vowel sound?" Lucy started in with "ba, ba, ba". "Does she laugh?" Lucy would start to giggle. "Does she transfer objects from one hand to the next?" Lucy pulled out her binkie and moved it between her two hands. We all were laughing and he just seemed very happy with her.
We had a very good appointment and I'm just so happy that this type of program is offered. The results from the program will be sent to her pediatrician and to us and then she will go back in the next 4-6 months and do it all over again. As she progresses she will be seen by more doctors in other fields. We left feeling very well informed and that our sweet girl is amazing everyone, most importantly us. The appointment was very long (over four hours) and that sweet bug stayed awake the whole time to perform for everyone.
It was also nice for us to see that there are other parents out there who have gone through what we have. We are very fortunate because I think some babies aren't doing as well as Lucy but it's so great so see these strong little fighters alive and well. We overheard a few of their stories and a lot of them had really rough starts. It's nice to know that other people get obsessed with ounces, and are familiar with the terms we use: EI, PT, etc., and just are so grateful for these miracle babies and are so proud of every tiny achievement they make. Lately I've been feeling kind of selfish and "woe is me" about what we've had to gone through - which comparatively is nothing. But then you're in a room with so many NICU graduates and parents who all know how hard it was (and all carry Purell) and you don't feel so alone.
So yes, Lucy is the most social, beautiful, funny, smart, amazing baby we know and if we can continue to have such great visits and reports as this we're very blessed.

With her favorite toy, spidey

Lucy put on a show for everyone but at the end of the day she was dunzo - what a good girl!
Good Job Lucy, I know your Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you. Keep up all the hard work and keep gaining those ounces!!! Codi, She is so BEAUTIFUL.
Congratulations on all your high scores Lucy! She will always come through with flying colors, don't worry... she is a shining star. You guys are so lucky to have a wonder girl. Can't wait to give you a boy cousin to play with soon!
Love you!
Oh Luce, why does your silly mom ever worry about you? She knows you're "remarkable" more than anyone! You are so special and I think sometimes you have more of a 16 year old's cognition- that look on your face is just FULL of gossip :) I love you! (P.S. Get excited for your birthday and your first trip to Viva Las Vegas!)
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