I very rarely respond to the tags because my responses aren't that cool or everyone already knows them. But my cousin Alisa tagged me and my friend Lacey...so here you go!
Tagged from Lis:
10 YEARS AGO: I was 20 and in college. I thought I wanted to become a teacher but that plan changed. I was living at home and not doing much else.
FIVE PLACES I HAVE VISITED: 1. San Diego 2.San Francisco 3. Palm Springs 4. LA 5. Southern Utah - wow, that's a tad depresso, I've been to other states but apparently we do love the Cali. Now I know why I normally don't respond to these - boresville.
FIVE THINGS ON MY TO DO LIST: 1. organize everything for the March on Saturday 2. clean my house before the health department comes a knockin' 3. clean Lucy's closet 4. finish my volunteer stuff 5. be a better/more productive cleaner, cooker, mother, worker, friend.
LIFETIME GOALS: 1. see #5 above 2. chill out and not be in constant worry mode 3. travel with Lucy and Blake and experience new things as a family 4. let Lucy be the wonderful person she will be and hopefully be the best mother I can 5. be dependable to as many people as I can
THREE BAD HABITS: 1. laziness 2. spending way too much $ on Lucy's wardrobe 3. reality tv
FIVE THINGS YOU MAY NOT KNOW ABOUT ME...1. I feel braver, stronger, more confident, prettier, more relaxed (at times) and more complete since having Lucy 2. for being an English major I've yet to read many of the "classics" 3. I still daydream about being a creative writing professor at some green, liberal, artsy college 4. I'm obsessed with news and newscasters - Mark Koebel is my favorite local and I have a mini crush on Anderson Cooper. 5. I really love to dance
Now I tag...Caitlin, Lacey, Annie
Tagged from Lacey:
Love Tag
What is his name? Blake Richard
How old is he? 30
How old are you? 30
How did you meet? in 7th grade Utah history class - and hated each other
How long did you date? Um, 400 years? No, we dated off and on (mostly on) for almost 6 years before we got married
Who is taller? He is, by about 1 1/2 inches
Who eats more sweets? I do.
Who sings better? I do but he'd disagree. Every new season of American Idol Blake tells me with a dead serious face "you could be on the episode with all of the singers that suck". But just ask to hear "Desperado" and you can be the judge of that.
Who is smarter? even stevens
Who does laundry? He does, he does everything.
Who does dishes? I'll usually start the dishwasher but I hate putting dishes away
What is his guilty pleasure? crappy movies on TBS with commercials every 3 minutes
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? In bed - he's on the right. Standing and facing the bed I'm on the right.
Who mows the lawn? He does
Who cooks dinner? He usually does - I know I'm lazy but he's a much better cook.
Who Drives the Car? He does
Who is more stubborn? It used to be me but his patience has worn thin over the years and we're both stubborn.
Who kissed who first? He did.
Who asked who out first? He asked me out.
What was your first date? He picked me up at my house, brought flowers and we saw a laser show at Hansen Planetarium. Then we got ice cream at baskin robins.
Who proposed? He did. I was threatening to end things with him because I thought he was going to propose for over a week and he didn't. Come to find out he was waiting for my ring to be engraved but I ruined the surprise or any chance of a romantic proposal by throwing a fit.
Who wears the pants? I guess him lately
What is your favorite thing about him? Blake can make me laugh like no one else - and that is truly the key to our happiness. I can die of laughter of a face or a comment he makes. We have a very similar sense of humor so I think I make him laugh too. He can be sweet and sensitive but take charge too and he balances our my panic attacks with a laid back everything-is-great attitude. He's the best dad ever to Lucy and that only makes me love him more!
I tag...Sandy, Alisa & Annie