Friday, November 13, 2009

princesses on ice

Wednesday night was Disney Princesses on Ice!
This is our year two of the ice show
and the princess one is so far the favorite.

When we went to Disneyland my parents bought Lucy
a set of princess play dolls and she is obsessed with
them and calls them "her girls".
I want to play with my girls - let's go see my girls!

We told Lucy she could choose the restaurant
for her night out but every time we asked where she wanted
to go she said, "to see my girls."
So we opted for Red Iguana - she loves the salsa
and then headed over to the show...

beauty & the beast - our fave

my princess


caitlin and brinton said...

I LOVE that picture of you two - you look great. And what cute shoes she has! I am sad I missed out on this adventure.

Wendie said...

Where is our "baby"? She is now a little princess. I can't believe how much older she looks and acts. Glad you had a good time. Can't wait to spend the holidays with Lucy (and everyone else, of course).

Sheri said...

Looks like you guys had a great time! Lucy is getting so big. Love how her hair is getting so long! Glad the Princesses on Ice were a hit.

Alisa said...

She looks so dang adorable. My neighbor and her girl went to the ice show and they loved it too. Wish I could go!