This bugalicious has continued to be our entertainment and ray of sunshine! Lucy loves dance more than anything and Wednesdays are pretty much the best part of her/our week. She wakes up knowing it's dance day and we have breakfast, clean up and get dance gear on. After dance we usually have a lunch out and usually throw in some shopping, lucky for me Lucy loves Target as much as I do.
Lucy has also been doing a great job with her potty work. We're not quite ready for night time success or extended shopping trips without diapers but she's doing it her way and it seems to work for all of us. She's getting to be such a big girl.
And it kind of makes me sad... Yesterday after our errands we drove home and drove by a school. Lucy asked "who's that guy?" I told him he was a crossing guard for kids coming home from school. She said, "I want to go to school" and I told her she'd go soon enough and talked about all the fun things she'd get to do and learn. Then she said, "I'll go to school, and then I'll say goodbye to you".
Break my heart.
I immediately teared up under my sunglasses and decided I don't need to think about that now...because obviously I can't handle that thought.