It's time again for the Salt Lake March for Babies. Yes, year after year we are planning on participating in the march, raising money and in some way giving back to an organization that helps fight prematurity and in cases such as ours when prematurity is necessary, helping aid in education, research and medicine to help early babies.
I'm really excited about this year's march. Last year the location wasn't the best and we got rained on but this year the date of the march has been pushed forward to hopefully insure a beautiful day. The location of this march sounds fantastic! It will be at This is the Place State Park. If you haven't been here before this location is across the street from the zoo, nestled in the foothills. Not only will March of Dimes be providing entertainment and activities after the walk but the Park itself will be open for all participants until 2:00. They have a train and other activities that will be free for us to use. Typically an admission to the Park is $9. for adults and $7. for children. So not only by joining our team to walk you will be helping the March of Dimes but this will also be a great family activity to spend the rest of your morning.
Last year we had a great team! We'd love to have more participants and our overall team goal is $2010. This amount represents our current year and that we'd love to have Team Lucy Bug! have a great showing in 2010! If you would be interested in joining our team please register either yourself as an individual or if you have a family and just want to register one of you that's fine too. Just be sure and let me know if more people will be walking but not registering so we'll have an accurate count. If you have walked with us before (thanks!) you can use your previous login information and if you've forgot it you can have it sent to you from the March for Babies website. If you are unable to walk but would still like to support our team you can click on the sidebar and make a donation. Any amount is so helpful and greatly appreciated!
Okay, so here are the details:
March for Babies Salt Lake: Saturday May 15th - 10:00am - 3 mile walk
Location: This Is the Place State Park - 2601 East Sunnyside Ave., SLC
Team: Team Lucy Bug! Join the team HERE or make a donation HERE
This will be our third year participating in the march and I'm so excited! If you haven't walked with us before and are not sure here's some more information. There is no entrance fee to participate. If you would like to fundraise then you can register and set your personal goal amount. A goal of $25. can be achieved by making a personal donation to yourself or asking 5 people for a $5. pledge to your walk. If you do not want to set a personal goal you can make a donation to the team amount (if you would like) and still show up and walk with us. Whatever you prefer works...all of the money goes to the same cause...helping babies! If you walk with us you just show up - take a bunch of pictures with the team (memories!) - walk the walk - get some freebie promotional items - and enjoy the rest of the morning with treats provided by the March of Dimes and enjoy any activities. This year March of Dimes will be raffling prizes for registered walkers so there's a chance you could even walk away with a prize!
Thanks again for any way of helping...anyone who reads this blog knows how important this cause is to us and we are so grateful for your support!
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