Happy birthday my three year old girl!
Lucy, I don't know if any more love, attitude, personality,
goofiness, sweetness and perfection could be in your little body.
To say you are three is incredible but at the same time most days I
feel like I'm having a conversation with a teenager - a very smart teenager.
At three years old you still love books and reading - a love I'm sure you'll always have.
You are great at coloring and could spend an afternoon with stickers.
You've been telling me daily you wish it was summer so it can be
warm and we can play outside and have picnics.
I promise warm weather is coming Luce. I think.
You love the disney princesses (particularly Cinderella), Fancy Nancy,
dancing and all things girly.
Lipgloss, curls, ballet slippers & dresses
and you're set.
But you also love your daddy.
Every Wednesday at dance you get to take two suckers from the candy basket
and you make sure to grab one for daddy. Every day you wait for him after
work and want to hear about his day and who he talked to.
I hope you two don't abandon me this summer with all of the golfing plans you're making!
Baby girl, we love you so, so, much.
I love your soft hands and the smell of your hair.
I love that you make us all laugh.
I love that you're mine and I'll never let you go ~
happy birthday Lucy!

Well thank goodness Lucy felt great at her friend birthday party because she
woke up less than stellar on the actual day. She had a fever and was not herself.
I had to work so I took her to my mom's and despite not feeling great
the two of them had a good day of books and snuggling.
By the evening Lucy was feeling a little bit better but not fully herself.
We had a nice little family party and Lucy got some really fun gifts.

By the end of the evening Lucy was tired but acting more herself. My mom got her this little mini apron that is the cutest thing ever. She also got her this cupcake play set and Lucy
played a darling pastry chef.

The next day Lucy was back to her normal self so we packaged up some cookies
for her girl friends and headed to dance. Every time at dance the girls
start the class by throwing some magic (sparkle confetti) to get things started.
When it's a girls' birthday Miss Julie asks the birthday girl for permission and then
they sing a birthday chant and then throw the magic on the special girl ~
this is Lucy accepting all of the magic.
(and if Miss Julie spots any magic left of your clothes or hair it's means you're a REAL princess...I love Miss Julie)
So despite not feeling great Lucy had a grand birthday. Of course the day of I can't help but think back to her actual birth day and replay the course of events.
I was so afraid that day and I never even saw her on the actual day she was born.
I had Lucy around 6:30 in the evening via c-section and she was whisked away
to the NICU. My parents and Blake got to see her that night but I was still recovering so I
just had a little polaroid picture.
I'm so blessed, and so thankful for my little girl.
What a grand birthday! Codi, I love reading the tender things you write about Lucy. I look forward to Thursdays at the shop so I can have a little visit with Lucy! She is a miracle!! xoxo Kim
What a beautiful post... love you guys!
You are such an amazing women. I am so L U C K Y to have you as one of my close friends and how
L U C K Y is Lucy to have such an amazing mom. You two are so cute together. I love hearing and telling daughter stories with you! We are both so lucky to have some petty amazing kids!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCY!
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