Who knew?!
Cornbelly's at Thanksgiving Point was so much fun that we spent three hours of our Saturday enjoying the fall fun.

The pumpkin princess theme was Lucy's fave of course.
pumpkin tetherball solo... :(

Lucy was a champ at duck races.
And yelling "all aboard" with a shake of her hips.
We watched the piggies race.

It was such a fun day. We're trying to take advantage of as many fall activities as possible. Yesterday my parents took Lucy to the harvest events at Wheeler Farm and had a great time (weekdays are probably best) and Friday we have a breakfast with a witch date!
Love October!
OMG - what a CUTIE... I'm sad we missed her 'goodnight' call last night. She is going to be so much fun in Dis' this year.
damn my food poisoning. really, my heart breaks that we were not there.
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