You KNOW you want to be a part of this cool team!!
Salt Lake March for Babies event is in 5 weeks! Saturday May 14 at This is the Place Heritage Park. The walk starts at 10:00 am. After the walk the train will be running for free rides and there will be many other activities for kids. Or if you have a busy Saturday you can make a quick loop around and do the march with us and then be on your merry way!
If you are interested in joining our team you can register HERE or if you'd rather not register just leave me a comment, email, text letting me know if you will be able to show up and support our team.
You can also click HERE to make a donation to our team - $5. makes a difference and is greatly appreciated!
In just 4 weeks we will be having our 2nd annual Team Lucy Bug! Bake Sale!
Saturday May 7, 10:00 am
On the corner of 1300 South and 1830 East
cakes, cookies, cupcakes, pies, bars, candy and other sweet treats!
Including a 'Lucy lemonade stand'!!
If you are interested in providing a sweet treat for the bake sale please let me know asap!
(Ferguson girls - we want your treats!)
Send me a message with what you'd like to make and how many you will be able to provide.
Kim and Alisa are doing an amazing job running our bake sale and need to know what we will be selling so they can prepare tags & pricing now so leading up the the bake sale they can just bake! Please know anything you plan to bake can be picked up by me a day or two before the sale - no need to worry about getting it to us.

And if you're like me, better at picking up baked goods instead of baking them, PLEASE plan on stopping by May 7 for the most unbelievable display of goodies!!
With all proceeds going to a great cause.
Thank you.
(and thank you to everyone who has donated, registered or has let me know they will be supporting us and Team Lucy Bug! - we love you so much!)
I want to donate some baked goods to the bake sale.
e-mail me the details.
We had a blast last year and will do our very best to show up. This is such a great event.
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