To use a term from Mary herself, that was exactly how our weekend was, practically perfect!
We've been counting down to this long weekend for quite awhile and it didn't disappoint. We spent some time shopping, lunching, picking up dance shoes for a new season, packing the backpack and having as much fun as possible to wrap up the summer.
On Sunday afternoon we checked in to one of Lucy's favorite places, the Little America Hotel. We thought it would be fun to have a little family overnighter downtown before we step into this new chapter. Preschool may not be a huge deal for some but for us (Blake and me) it's a huge deal sending our little girl to preschool and we wanted to do something special.
After checking out the room we went to swim and lounge by the pool. We ate and then Lucy and I got ready for Mary Poppins at the Capitol Theater. Blake wasn't invited to the girls' night so he played chauffeur. The musical was amazing!! It's over 2 1/2 hours and Lucy was mesmerized every minute. If you have a chance, see it! Even if you don't really care for the movie the musical is so entertaining and way above anything I expected.
After the show we went back for treats and snuggles in the hotel. Our sweet little girl was so appreciative and kept thanking us for her special night.
Unfortunately I've been using my camera phone for everything lately so things pictures aren't the best...
ready for the show
in the elevator with her new Mary Poppins bag - mini version

sleepy girl.
It was such a fun weekend and a nice distraction. I know I'm overreacting but I have so many mixed emotions about preschool. We went to the parent orientation the other night and as we sat in the chapel (her preschool is at a Presbyterian church) the Pastor was giving a blessing to the students and the school year and I got so emotional. I know that Lucy is ready for preschool, friends and to be away from home a few hours a week. But it is hard letting her go. I guess it is hard because I know it's a step to so many more things. Kindergarten next year is going to be a doozy...
I have full confidence that we're doing the right thing and I know she is going to the right place so that does make it a little easier but it is incredible how fast time flies. She is growing up right before my eyes and I'm afraid to blink.
But I'm sure the melancholy will last for a few days and then her excitement and stories about preschool will outweigh a lot of these feelings. It's so ironic because one minute I feel like I need a break from the zillions of questions, picking up messes and being a personal butler but now the idea of her starting school and her venturing out into the world soon has me absurdly considering home school.
But just for a second...that would be punishment in Lucy's eyes and well, I can't even really do long division.
Tomorrow will be hard for a minute. Sending my little baby off to her two teachers (who pretty much already seem like angels) and off on some new adventures to meet new friends, learn exciting things and take a mini step of, so bittersweet.
Sitting at her bedside in the NICU I prayed to God to have these moments. I prayed for her to stand tall, be brave and have the most amazing life ever imagined.
I wanted it all for her - and she will do it all.
I just have to be okay with letting her go...but just a tiny bit for now.