Lucy and I played around with some editing effects of this picture with the plan to make it spooky and zombie-ish. But Lucy has a love-hate relationship with Halloween. She loves to talk about it a but today all of my talk of the Great Pumpkin leaving her treats, talking in a zombie voice and trying to make this picture spooky has resulted in a few tears.
It's the last day of October and with all of the spooky fun we've had I feel like the big day has passed. But tonight is trick or treating and the final wrap up of our favorite holiday...which seems has been going on for three months.

Heading out for the night...someone needs to stay home and pass out candy and watch Dancing with the Stars.
Earlier today we hit the foothill village trick or treating with the Baruas. Such perfect weather (probably the last nice fall day) and always good company. Sweet little Lennox didn't make one peep...just happy to be along for the ride.
A few weeks ago we did our annual breakfast with the witch at Gardner Village with Angie and Dakota. The Great Pumpkin always seems to treat us right with perfect fall weather, good little girls and yummy fudge!
monster mashing
home of the best pumpkin pie fudge

We love, love this day with these girls!
We ran into one of Lucy's friends Ari at the pumpkin patch in Farmington. A quick stop for pumpkins turned into a good chunk of the afternoon of these two running, playing and dancing amongst the pumpkins.
On Friday Lucy had her very first Halloween party at preschool. But she bolted from me the minute I dropped her off so I didn't get any pictures of her and her class. Later that day we met Blake at work for trick or treating in his office. After she loaded up on candy she only wanted to be with Blake. Again, I'm left in the dust. The one who spent over an hour straightening her curls to be Alice; she couldn't get rid of me fast enough.

Saturday night... the annual Worthen Halloween costume party!

solo Sabrina (Nick was working)

Buzz & mob boss
I have a whole new love for Blake because of this pose.

Queen of Hearts, Mad Hatter & Alice

Lis & Steph - spookies

I don't think you're supposed to look this good on halloween.

cousin Eddie & Catherine (love this!)

Phew! Kind of a jumbled post but when you cram all of October in one that's what you get. It was a pretty spectacular month of activities and now the countdown is on for...Disneyland!