Okay so my family loves dogs. Growing up I had one dog Yankee and then we got our maltese poodle Tandy. Tandy was the best dog ever and unfortunately on the day I graduated from the U we were having a get together at my parents house and Tandy was attacked in his own yard by another dog. He died an awful death. I loved Tandy very much and it was hard on all of my family when he was gone. Awhile after Tandy was gone my parents got Marley. Marley is sweet but he loves everyone just a little too much. I think he is so fun but Blake calls him a Tasmanian devil. Marley loves Lucy and loves when it's her day to come over. He has a hiding problem though, he takes Lucy's binks, socks, toys and doesn't ruin them but hides them throughout my parents house. He's odd but cute.
Blake and I got our shih tzu Suki for our one year wedding anniversary. The traditional gift for 1 year is paper and we thought it would be cool (and a good excuse) to get a "papered" purebred pup for each other. Suki is a sensitive, moody but loyal dog and he loves me more than Blake. After we moved into our house we considered getting a friend for Suki. I found someone in Duchesne who had a few puppies available and we fell in love with one of them from an email picture. I had to work but one day Blake had off and decided to make the drive and get our Wedge. When I got home and saw Wedge I cried and told Blake to take him back. I still feel guilty for how I first treated him. It wasn't that I didn't love the cute little ewok pup, I just felt bad for Suki that he wouldn't be an only pup anymore. I know, I have issues with change. So anyway, we obviously decided to keep Wedge - the happiest, BEST dog ever.
Wedge in the snow
Suki worrying about the snow

In addition to our dogs Caitlin and Brinton have Niko and Wintston - two (kind of :) shih tzus. My grandma has a little teacup poodle Missy (kind of a pest). My uncle Tracy and his family just got a Golden Doodle and her name is Wrigley Beans - cutest thing ever! Blake's mom has Daphne who is 14 and we last heard was sick (poor thing). Blake's brother Clint has a bulldog named Dozer and his girlfriend Abby has Paisley. We just love all of the dogs in our families And obviously they are a lot more popular than kids!
Last Sunday we had our dogs, Caitlin's and my mom's at my parents. We called it dogapalooza and for some insane reason we thought it would be fun to get a picture of all of them together. These are the results:

Caitlin and Blake tempting them with pumpkin pie and whip cream

the crew
Caitlin creepily hiding - it's kind of sad how much effort we put into this

what cute boys!