My brother Coleman left yesterday for another one of his adventures. He left for Argentina for about four months to lead climbing tours. My brother is truly a thrill seeker. He has done more extreme sports and adventures than anyone I know. Coleman has been spending his springs and summers in Alaska leading climbing tours and usually has worked at Alta in the winter. But this winter his passion is taking him near the bottom of the globe. I had to look at a map just to figure out how far away he is going. I'm so proud of my little brother because he is one of the few people I know who truly does what he loves. Sometimes Blake and I will talk about how lazy we are when we can't even take a mini hike in the summer and we think about everything Coleman has done and we both feel we're probably missing out on a lot. Hopefully some of his enthusiasm for the earth and outdoors will rub off onto Lucy and she'll get us outside more! If not, I'm afraid our little bug will have to be hiking around with her uncle Cole and that could be a bit extreme for my liking. I have a feeling we're going to have a little thrill seeker on our hands.
Coleman is such a wonderful uncle and he loves Lucy so much. I know she will miss him as we all will but he will be back in the spring for awhile before he's off on another adventure. Until then, we wish him a wonderfully exciting and SAFE trip!

the dogs bidding Coleman farewell

Coleman and his cute girlfriend Calah
Coleman has been living at my parent since August so he's been around on the days my mom watches Lucy. I'm so happy that they've been able to become fun friends. The bug girl will miss her uncle. We love you Coleman!!
Seriously- how boring are our lives?! I am so envious of Coleman and hope that one day I'll give up my tame ways and travel too. Lucy will be a climber, hiker, adventure-seeker; I'm sure of it! We love you guys and love and will miss Coleman for these few months!
Good luck Cole! You are awesome. Look at their matching red hair... I can't believe Lucy's hair, what a doll she is! How cute.
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