Our first Christmas in this house and it's just as cozy as I expected. Tiny enough that a party of more than 15 would cause claustrophobia but snug and warm for us.
I put off holiday decorating because I wanted to enjoy the simplicity of nothing for a couple of weeks after Thanksgiving but on Sunday Blake said it was time to get the tree.
Now it feels like Christmas.
The tree lot we visit on 700 east doesn't disappoint. We had to narrow it down because so many trees seemed like "the" tree.
After the tree was strapped to the top of the Outback we stopped at one of my favorite stores Cactus & Tropicals. I've decided once the dreary-time of winter and SAD starts to set in I'm going to drop in and visit this store. It's warm and humid and you can always find something in bloom. We picked up a darling little basil tree for the kitchen.

I know you're jealous of this disco-esque tree skirt. It's really not so garish in normal light but I'm still in need of a replacement. I found a perfect burlap skirt early in the season but it's now sold out. But since I had success on my burlap project below - maybe I could attempt to make my own??
In the fall I ordered a Harvest banner from Etsy - I really love it but looking at it I realized it probably cost less than $5 to make and I spent (of course) a lot more than that. So after a few tests and a visit to Hobby Lobby (I've never been!) my sister and I gathered the supplies to make "winter" versions. On Sunday my mom did the sewing while Caitlin impatiently painted hers in three minutes. You can't really tell from this picture but mine is dark brown paint with brown glitter. Pretty cute and very easy.
This is Lucy's tree. The other night Blake had his company work party so Lucy and I decided to pick out a tree all of her own. It's so cozy in her messy room.
But this little girl deserves it because she has done AMAZING in her new big girl bed. The first couple of nights she woke up and got out of bed but only because she's been getting over a bug. Poor girl was sick and just needed us. But ever since she's spent all night in her bed. It's so tall and I worried she'd fall out but she's stayed snug as a bug - I think she loves all of the extra room.

So the house is decorated, most of the shopping is finished, sickness (I hope) has left the house,
so now all that's left is some fun holiday activities and some cozy nights in front of the fire.
And of course, hot chocolate!
the house looks beautiful. You have a knack for decorating that I can only dream about.
Very cute decorations!
Looks so great..I wanna seeeeeee!!!
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