So I guess it really all goes downhill from here. Next week I'm turning 30. I'm really not too happy about it. I know it's not the end of the world and I'll forget about it a few days later but it still bugs. And to top of the big day next week I've had a preview of things to come with my ancient old woman body. On Monday I was out and about running errands with the bug having a grand day. I was so excited for the forecast for the rest of the week - sunny! So we had planned walks and time spent out of the house looking for signs of spring. But, as we got home from errands I was pulling Lucy and her giant carseat out of the backseat when, aaahhhh, my back gave out. At first it wasn't that bad, I even got to visit baby Crosby (my cousin's new darling baby boy) at the hospital that night. But the next morning I could hardly make it out of bed. Blake had to take Lucy to my mom's because there was no way I could lift her (I know she's only 11 lbs, but still). I made it to work but every time I got out of my chair I would cry out a little and I think I scared some people. By Tuesday night I couldn't do anything. Wednesday morning I woke up and couldn't pick Lucy up. I felt like an awful mother because she just cried and cried and I couldn't get her. I called my mom and then Blake crying not knowing what to do. So Blake took matters into his own hands. He got me a dr. appt. and called my mom and made arrangement for Lucy and me. He came from work and took me to my appt. (strained lumbar, 800 mg ibuprofen) and took us to my mom's. My great parents took care of Lucy and me for the next 24 hrs. We stayed that night because I knew the next morning I'd be the same so I might as well stay with someone who's physically capable to take care of Lucy. Anyway, we came home yesterday afternoon and this morning I think I'm feeling pretty good. Caitlin and Sabrina brought me Coldstone last night and I relaxed on the heating pad watching Lost.
This is a pretty "poor me" post. I just hated not being able to take care of Lucy but as always, my parents were there for us. Hopefully I can still salvage what's left of our sunny forecast and get out for a walk with the bug. And hopefully, 30 won't be as bad as I think.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
March for Team Lucy Bug!
Blake and I have decided to participate in the March of Dimes - March for Babies. This walk was previously called Walk America and it is a fundraising walk for the March of Dimes which provides research, prevention and support for premature babies. All of you who read this blog know that Lucy was ten weeks early and I believe the advances made to help premature babies has come in part from the March of Dimes.
We have created Team Lucy Bug! And we will be walking a 3 mile walk at Wheeler Farm on Saturday April 26 at 10:00am. Anyone who wants to join our team is welcome. All you have to do is join our team online and register as a participant. There is no fee to join but we are asking each team member to donate themselves or get donations in the minimum of $25. Our team goal will be $790. This is to represent $10. for every day Lucy was in the NICU. If you want to join the team you can register on this link: From this link you can click on "join this team" and register your information (on your personal $ goal amount put in at least $25. - if you are ambitious and want to try and raise more money through donors please set a higher goal - usually people will be more inclined to donate if you haven't met your goal yet) and then email me to let me know you are joining so I can give you some more information. If you cannot walk but would like to donate to our team you can click on the team site listed above or on my link: I also have a pledge badge on the right side of the blog that you can click and will take you directly to the site.
Thanks so much for participating! We would like to know a definite count for our team so please let me know by March 15 if you can join.
If you have any questions let me know!
We have created Team Lucy Bug! And we will be walking a 3 mile walk at Wheeler Farm on Saturday April 26 at 10:00am. Anyone who wants to join our team is welcome. All you have to do is join our team online and register as a participant. There is no fee to join but we are asking each team member to donate themselves or get donations in the minimum of $25. Our team goal will be $790. This is to represent $10. for every day Lucy was in the NICU. If you want to join the team you can register on this link: From this link you can click on "join this team" and register your information (on your personal $ goal amount put in at least $25. - if you are ambitious and want to try and raise more money through donors please set a higher goal - usually people will be more inclined to donate if you haven't met your goal yet) and then email me to let me know you are joining so I can give you some more information. If you cannot walk but would like to donate to our team you can click on the team site listed above or on my link: I also have a pledge badge on the right side of the blog that you can click and will take you directly to the site.
Thanks so much for participating! We would like to know a definite count for our team so please let me know by March 15 if you can join.
If you have any questions let me know!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Good news!
I haven't updated since Lucy's appointments last week. I was waiting for today when we would have more information and thankfully we have good news. First off, her MRI and CT scan last week went really well. She handled the sedation just fine and didn't have any problems. Her CT scan was just a routine recheck of her head partly because she was premature. Everything looked fine on that scan. Last August I noticed Lucy had a little dimple right above her bum and we had it checked out by her pediatrician. It is called a sacral dimple and apparently they are very common but most people don't know they have one. It's not a preemie thing, just a random thing that develops in utero. Anyway, we were told last summer Lucy would eventually need an MRI to further investigate the dimple. The findings from last week indicated that she does have a small piece of fatty tissue at the base of her spinal column. More often than not this doesn't cause a problem but sometimes into adulthood it may cause pain in the lower back and possible bladder problems. We knew the tethering might be a possibility and had become somewhat informed on the symptoms and treatment of tethering. Last week after the MRI we were told that surgery is usually performed to snip the tethered tissue and then it becomes a non-issue and Lucy could carry on normally. We were preparing for that protocol and had our appointment with a neurosurgeon at Primary Children's today. Blake and I were both prepared for surgery (it is low-risk) but nonetheless would prefer our bug girl not have to go through surgery and a few days in the hospital. Well, to our amazement, the neurosurgeon said Lucy does not need surgery at this point! He said he will see her every six months to make sure things still look good and he said it's very possible she will never have any problems with this in her life. If it ever does become an issue we obviously will go forward and have the surgery and any symptoms or problems from the tethering will reverse. This was such a shock to both of us and we are so happy for this news! We're very confident with her doctor and we know she will be closely watched so we feel this is such a good outcome. We understand down the road it may be in her best interest to operate but for now, no thanks!
I know all of this reads very jumbled but I'm just so excited and relieved. Ever since Lucy has been home from the hospital this has been the only real concern and now to know our status is such a relief. Again, we are so blessed and so grateful. Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers. Thanks to my friends at work and to my mom who have let me "talk this out" so many times. I'm not a very strong person if not for the strength of those around me.

I know all of this reads very jumbled but I'm just so excited and relieved. Ever since Lucy has been home from the hospital this has been the only real concern and now to know our status is such a relief. Again, we are so blessed and so grateful. Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers. Thanks to my friends at work and to my mom who have let me "talk this out" so many times. I'm not a very strong person if not for the strength of those around me.
"just let me hang out in my teacup, please"
Aahhh, vitamin D!
On Saturday we had to make a babies r us run and I got an early birthday present (kidding Blake, this does NOT count as my gift)! I got my (and Lucy's) Maclaren stroller! I had been begging Blake for this for a few months because Lucy and I need something smaller and easier to get around in. There are a lot of great strollers out there but once I start obsessing about something I become fixated on only that one! Let's hope that buggy girl is just the same! So after looking at it for the 5th time Blake said to just get it and Lucy and I cheered! It's so cute for my princess and it will be so convenient whenever we find ourselves strolling around Disney (hint, hint Blake, Lucy and I both have birthdays next month!). We tested out the new ride on our Sunday walk...enjoy! And hopefully the blue, sunny skies will return in a couple of days for more strolls.
our new Maclaren quest - a new buggy for buggy!
grandma & grandpa - my mom lovingly referred to Lucy as the "baby unibomber" thanks to her shades and hoodie!
bugalicious and her paparazzo pa
Monday, February 4, 2008
Ugh, appointments...
This week Lucy has a few appointments and I hate busy weeks like this. Wednesday morning she is going in for an MRI at Primary Children's Hospital. I know everything will be okay but I'm a nervous, anxious, paranoid mom and am kind of dreading it. We have been so lucky with Lucy thus far and haven't had to go back to the hospital and really haven't had too many appointments. Even so, after this week I hope we're done with appointments aside from her usual check ups and physical therapy.
Anyway if you don't mind, any good thoughts, vibes, prayers would be appreciated. I know our tough little girl can handle anything but her mom would feel better if you could think of her this week.
Thanks, we love you.

we found some curls this weekend after her tubby

13 years ago...
Since then we've pretty much been inseparable. Like I said, the wedding anniversary in September is the big thing we celebrate but today I knew it was February 4th and realized that first date was 13 years ago. Wow, I'm getting old and time is racing by!
Love you Blake!
p.s. Apparently we rarely took pictures before Lucy bug came around. So this rare gem was all I could find - this was us at Disneyland in '05.
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