So Blake and I haven't really acknowledged or done anything for this anniversary for quite a few years. Obviously our wedding anniversary is more important but every so often when this date comes around I think back on our first date and am amazed how fast time flies. Thirteen years ago today Blake and I went on our first date. We had known each other from junior high but at this point I was at West High and he was still at Cyprus. We had mutual friends and would occasionally see each other in groups but this was our first official date. I don't remember all the details (Blake does) but I know he picked me up in his sweet orange Omega and brought flowers (ohhhh) and we went to laser show (I know, so 1990's) and then for ice cream. It was a fun date. We kept trying to think of more places to go so the date wouldn't end so I think we drove aimlessly across the city.
Since then we've pretty much been inseparable. Like I said, the wedding anniversary in September is the big thing we celebrate but today I knew it was February 4th and realized that first date was 13 years ago. Wow, I'm getting old and time is racing by!
Love you Blake!
p.s. Apparently we rarely took pictures before Lucy bug came around. So this rare gem was all I could find - this was us at Disneyland in '05.
oh...how sweet!
Ross and I have a 1st meeting date, too. I generally use that one to keep track of how long we've been annoying the daylights out of each other. That day is Jan. 29 and I usually keep it to myself.
6 years together, almost 5 years married. You guys have the record though. Good job.
Ahhh, the old orange bomb. I remember squirting water into the window with my squirt gun like 10 years ago. Wow, was I a cute kid, or what?
So glad you guys made it and got married and had Lucy - it makes the family so much fun and I love spending time together.
HAPPY 13th (yama-hama!) anniversary! :)
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