This week Lucy has a few appointments and I hate busy weeks like this. Wednesday morning she is going in for an MRI at Primary Children's Hospital. I know everything will be okay but I'm a nervous, anxious, paranoid mom and am kind of dreading it. We have been so lucky with Lucy thus far and haven't had to go back to the hospital and really haven't had too many appointments. Even so, after this week I hope we're done with appointments aside from her usual check ups and physical therapy.
Anyway if you don't mind, any good thoughts, vibes, prayers would be appreciated. I know our tough little girl can handle anything but her mom would feel better if you could think of her this week.
Thanks, we love you.

we found some curls this weekend after her tubby

Our prayers and thought are with you all. I know that Lucy will be a champ during this and will help you get right through it. We Love you.
Baby girl, I will miss you today!! I'm sure you will be charming the doctors for the next couple of days. Your happy, loving personality will help mom and dad through your appointments. I love you and will talk to you later, our strong little bug.
Our heartfelt love and prayers to all of you. All will be well, after all; we're talking about your amazing Lucy. Your love and presence will see her through any test and exam. Love you so much, Kim and family
Oh Buggy, you're so brave...This week might not be the most fun but you'll get through it, it's not the hardest thing you've lived through, that's for sure.
Brinton and I are thinking of you and are waiting for your curly head to come for a babysitting visit at the new house. Love you all
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