On Saturday we had to make a babies r us run and I got an early birthday present (kidding Blake, this does NOT count as my gift)! I got my (and Lucy's) Maclaren stroller! I had been begging Blake for this for a few months because Lucy and I need something smaller and easier to get around in. There are a lot of great strollers out there but once I start obsessing about something I become fixated on only that one! Let's hope that buggy girl is just the same! So after looking at it for the 5th time Blake said to just get it and Lucy and I cheered! It's so cute for my princess and it will be so convenient whenever we find ourselves strolling around Disney (hint, hint Blake, Lucy and I both have birthdays next month!). We tested out the new ride on our Sunday walk...enjoy! And hopefully the blue, sunny skies will return in a couple of days for more strolls.
our new Maclaren quest - a new buggy for buggy!
grandma & grandpa - my mom lovingly referred to Lucy as the "baby unibomber" thanks to her shades and hoodie!
bugalicious and her paparazzo pa
So happy for you guys that Lucy won't have to have surgery for now. If she needs it in the future, it will all go perfectly fine I am sure. I can't get over that first pic of Luce in her sunglasses... LOVE IT! Fashionista.
Love y'all!
OH my gosh was a doll. I can't believe how grown up she is getting. I hope you birthday girls get to go to Disney Land. Lucy would LOVE that.
What a drama queen. This way, the sunglasses hide her eyes so we can't see her spying on us while eavesdropping. Love you Bugalish.
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