My brother Coleman arrived home from his 3 month excursion to Argentina/Chile on Saturday. He was there leading hiking tours and we're happy to have him safely home. Hopefully he'll stick around here for a little while now!

Coleman brought Lucy back this Alpaca wool sweater. It is the softest, cutest thing ever and the bug loves to snuggle in it.
Cutest sweater EVER! What a perfect fit!
With each new pic of Lucy I keep thinking, 'Gosh nothing can be cuter than this...' Well, Lucy keeps outdoing herself. I just have never seen an outfit this adorable! Don't you just want to snuggle her by the campfire or something?
The Mickey heads, what an idea! Codi please send me some of your creative juice because I have Momnesia or whatever and feel quite braindead!
Love you,
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