I love parades. I haven't been to the 24th of July parade for many years (I always watch it on tv) but we rarely miss the St. Pat's parade. I love parades on tv and this year I tivo'd the Disneyworld Christmas parade and watched it later that night after the day of festivities had ended (I know, lame-o). I don't know why but there's something funny about tons of people sitting on the sidelines watching tons of people, instruments, dogs and cars slowly march down the street. Saturday was chilly but Blake agreed that we had to bundle up the bug and take her to her first St. Pat's parade. Once we got our spot and settled in I didn't think she would last too long. Her little body was toasty warm but her cheeks were red and I didn't think she'd be too interested. But yet again, this little girl proved to be my daughter and L-O-V-E-D the parade. She sat for two full hours watching every second of it. Her favorite things were the Shriners on their little motorbikes and tall greyhound dogs. I'm so happy she enjoyed it so much.
The St. Pat's parade is fun because it's silly and anyone and everyone can be in it. It's a good time and we always laugh. I guess I love parades too because I get a little nostalgic. When I was younger and did Highland dancing I marched with the Salt Lake Scots in many parades. So when I hear the bagpipes it takes me back to that time. The parade also has a lot of Shriners from Freemasonry. My grandpa was involved in Freemasonry and he would always laugh at parades when we saw the Shriners in their "monkey hats".

I'm excited Lucy enjoyed it so much and now it makes me really excited for Disneyland. If she was that entertained at the parade she will love Disneyland as much as I do (let's hope!)
On Sunday we saw the Easter bunny. He was a tad creepster and maybe that's one of my traditions I can let slide. Blake is creeped out by mall holiday icons but I insisted she see the bunny. No other kids were around and the bunny, unlike Santa, cannot talk. So we just kind of all looked at him and Lucy got her photo op and we scooted on out. She didn't mind him but she doesn't mind most anyone! I know the real Easter bunny is soft, brown, cuddly and small so maybe in the future we'll leave the mall bunnies alone like everyone else seems to be doing.

at this point I think Lucy saw the look on our faces and decided she was dunzo
How exciting. I love all the firsts!
I think we did the Easter Bunny the 1st few years then after that she was little creeped out. Easter has always been one of my favorites. I love hunting for eggs. Kylee will hide the eggs and we all take turns finding them!! HAPPY EASTER
Um. Yama...hama. You let your child sit on that freaks lap? That thing scares the bejeezus out of me. Poor Lucy.
I can't believe Lucy sat through the whole parade; I don't even think I could without, I don't know, a snack or something.
Codi you're hilarious but it is true about the creepster bunny. Blake would make a cute bunny. Maybe when there are enough kids in the fam they can pose for pics with him!
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