Baby girl is growing up so quick! I love it but it makes me a little heart-achy too. This past week my mom and I were talking about how she's just not a baby anymore. She has such a personality and mind of her own that we're really seeing this little girl come out.
Lucy had her 1 year shots/appointment this past week. Everything looks great and her doctor doesn't need to see her for 2 months! We've been having monthly weight-checks/synagis shots/peace of mind visits since she's been born. Her shots went as well as expected and Dr. Fox was so impressed that Lucy has about 6 words in her vocabulary. He told me the average for a one year old is 1-2 and after I said she had 6 he said, "oh, so she's a little genius?!" Yeah, pretty much!
Lucy is doing the army/belly crawl and speeding around like crazy. It's like her little body can't quite keep up with her desire to chase the dogs, her toys or anything she shouldn't have. She is standing without our help but with the help of a table or ottoman so she can push her belly up against it. She's teasing us, making us laugh like crazy and wanting to taste every morsel of food we are eating. She finally got her two bottom toothens and they are as cute as I knew they would. Lucy is loving outside and likes to pick the grass and of course wants to eat it. Yesterday Blake took her to the park while I was at a baby shower and she swung in the swing and of course my wild child LOVED it! It's probably good I wasn't there for her first time. It was such a nice evening tonight we decided to take her back so she could show me her swinging skills. Of course Blake pushed her higher than I was comfortable with so I was panicky but they just laughed their heads off at me as always.
Lucy's been having some great play-dates lately. Thanks to the Jazz sticking in the playoffs we've been watching the games at my aunt Sandy and uncle Tracy's house. We pretty much waltz in, drop off the Bug with Sandy and one of the girls and then Blake and I plop downstairs eating their snacks while they babysit our Bug and bring us drinks! Like Blake said, "it's pretty much my dream come true". Sandy and the girls (Haylie, Aspen & Meg) are so cute with Lucy and I'm so happy we're all so close and can have so much fun together. Lucy knows she's center stage there and puts on a performance for the always captive audience.
Last week we went and saw Lucy's boy (who's a) friend Elliott. These two pretty much checked each other out for awhile and then Elliott delivered each of his toys one by one to Lucy and she played with them. My friend Annie is such a good mom and it made me tired watching her chase after Elliott who is such a little man and is walking all over the place. It was good for Lucy to check out Elliott's moves - I think she thought his walking was pretty cool - especially because he could get into everything!
Lucy and Elliott - and their binks
Lucy's other play-date friend is saying farewell yet again on Monday. My brother Coleman leaves for Alaska until the end of summer. When Lucy is at my mom's on Tuesdays and Thursdays and when we see them on the weekends Coleman and Lucy always have such a fun time. He's so gentle with her but also likes to help her in her crawling/standing training. Coleman is such a good uncle and Lucy loves him so much. We're sad he's leaving us again but we wish him a safe, fun adventure and maybe, just maybe after Alaska he can stick around home for a full year!

So that's Lucy in the past week. Have I mentioned I love this toad more than anything?! She is so funny and beautiful and smart and I know I'm being an obnoxious mom but I guess that's just who I am now.
I'm glad you don't have to visit the doc for another 2 months.
I want to know Lucy's 6 words.
Go Jazz!
Happy 13 months!! They grow up way to fast. Just wait in a blink of an eye she will be a few months from her 9th birthday with a boyfriend and a crazy life. so I would have to say don't blink!
Lucy- You're the cutest little girl ever! Want to know how I know? Because the creepy waiter at Chili's yesterday told me so! Love you!
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