Yama hama.
That pretty much sums it up.
I've laughed, been horrified, felt sad for many people on that hoarders show but this weekend I felt like one of them.
I've blabbed on and on about my love affair with all things orange, fall, halloweeny, etc for years. I know I've accumulated quite a collection of "fall bins" but this weekend was kind of a sad wake up call. The other day I found some fab treasures at Home Goods (who knew! what off-beat fun halloween things they have) and then picked up a few new must-haves at Taipan. Well on Saturday I thought it would be good to take an inventory of what I have because I don't have 5,000 sq ft to play around with or anything - this decor needs a plan (two months in advance, i know, i know).
Well, one by one Blake brings out bins from the garage. Giant bins. Then I remember some big bags I had stashed away inside. It all came out. And I am certifiably a halloween hoarder.
This might be half of it. It was funny for a minute so I thought I 'd take a picture but then it became a little...awkward.
Blake was mowing the lawn and I felt completely exposed...skulls, black and orange ribbon, pumpkin faces, spider soap dispensers. It had no end.
You know on hoarders when the people start making excuses like "well, what if I ever have a party (said by social misfit) and one of my guests has one arm and...they need this plate that holds a glass" or some bizarro remark that would never happen. Well, in my head I became that hoarder I've laughed at. "Well, I might have a costume ball and these little witch card holders would be great for prize certificates."
Yeah, hoarder.
I managed to unload a few things but really I just rearranged them in my totes because you never know what you'll need.
I'm not going to be too hard on myself though because I probably only have half a tote of Christmas and well, if I run out of room to decorate inside I have a full yard that I can branch out in.

I did however, empty my online shopping cart of pottery barn halloween goodies.
(except some more skull heads)
happy hoarding halloween!
I haven't even seen hoarders and I can picture it all right now.
But you will never be a hoarder. It is opposite of my problem though, we could use some Halloween decor. I drag out the same milk jug skeleton D and I got FOR OUR WEDDING from a crafty friend and then I think I have 2 other Halloween decorations. Silly, because I love Halloween. Croz & I will come over and scope out how dang cute your house is looking if I'm not in labor by the beginning of October ;)
uh.. i love halloween too. let's go shopping together for such frivolities.
sere though.. let's hang out. i was checking out your blog, and minie saw lucy and told me "hey! i like that girl. she was my friend wasn't she?".
i don't think that "was" should be in there... i'm just saying. a play date is in order.. and fine. kennan can come too. :)
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