My good friend Lacey took some darling pictures of Lucy the other evening - this is just a sampling (some of my favorites) of the cute shots she got of a feisty little red head who was rambling on and on about Cinderella, running from Lacey saying "I'm done" and pretty much being the fastest moving model ever. I did not envy poor Lacey trying to get Lucy to do something other than her princess pose which is this weird point-face-scrunched-up-shoulders-squinty-eye look that has shown up on almost every picture taken this summer.
Lacey has been such a good friend to me over the years and I feel like she'll always have a bond with Lucy and me. I work with Lacey and she was one of the first people who knew I was pregnant (because of my vomiting in the office episode) and she was such an amazing support through my entire pregnancy and Lucy's NICU stay. We've shared so many emotional moments and I'm thankful for all of the mommy advice she's given me. Lacey's darling daughter Kylee is such a sweet, smart, talented girl and even though she just started 6th grade Lucy will call her "Lacey's baby girl". Cute!
Thanks Lace - love them!

by the way...where is my baby girl?!
Oh my goodness! These are soo good. I can't believe how grown up she looks in them. Your friend did a good job!
Amazing pictures; wow how cute!
Love love LOVE the barn red one! What a doll.
WOW! Darling pictures - Lucy is growing up way too fast!!
OH MY GOSH. Codi you know how to make a girl cry. You are an amazing mom, wife, sister, friend. (wipping tears) I love that we have our mommy talks and our wife talks. I love that we can cry then laugh and not even worry about it after. You have been such a great friend to me through some of the wrost times in my life. I love that I have found a forever friend. Love you Codi.
Oh little Lucy, I loved taking your pictures. I love I had to work a little harder for the shots that I got. You are one amazing kid who keeps everyone on their toes. (keep it up) Love you Lucy
lucy is so adorable i can hardly handle it.
LOVE THEM (and her outfits)
Beautiful photos of a beautiful girl. You've got a keeper, Codi.
I am loving all of them, but my fav is the one with the blue dress.. So darlin'
Did I mention I love reading your posts, I laugh out loud everytime I read one. Halloween Hoarding...haha, love it! Oh come on, you can never have to many decorations girl~ :)
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