Two week catch-up.
Although not a lot has happened the past two weeks we've done a few fun things that have added to a great summer. I don't want snow but I can say that I'm fine with summer winding down. For only having one child we've kept pretty busy running around this summer and I'm personally ready for a cozy, long fall.
One thing that this fall will probably be lacking is preschool. I've felt like a failure of a mom the past week after finding out Lucy likely won't move out of the realm of the preschool wait list. I guess this is one of many of my clueless mom moments that I missed the memo that you have to register for preschool like really far in advance. I thought calling in April might be early enough but I was sorely mistaken. And now I have a three year old begging to go to school and not much to offer her. I'll hold out hope until the end of the month and then I'll just resign myself that it wasn't meant to be (how's that to ease my guilt) and do a make-shift-home-pre-pre-school. I know my daughter is brilliant ( :) ) and doesn't need preschool to get an edge up on her class of 2025 mates but we really wanted preschool for the social aspect. Lucy's no social misfit but she just needs other kids to express her fun personality with. So if anyone is up for a play date this fall - just let me know - I'm compiling a list of activities.
I may not be able to get our girl into preschool but I can get her into a pretty fun concert! We went to the Sandy Amphitheatre to see ARRIVAL (ABBA tribute band). It's been said before, Lucy is obsessed with the movie and music from Mamma Mia! so we knew this was a must. She danced the night AWAY and was asleep fifteen seconds after her car seat was buckled.

dancing queen!
We had our favorite boy Crosby over for a couple of hours of coloring, snacks and sandbox time. We're so excited to meet his little brother coming in a couple of months!
At the end of the month we went to my company's summer party. I'm really lucky to work for such a great law firm and they know how to put on a great party. We had the entire zoo to ourselves in the evening when it was nice and cool and quiet! All of the animals came out after a cool rain and Lucy could run and see everything without creepy, bruiser kids and parents in her way. My sister was one of the party planners and she did amazing! One highlight being a front and center bird show.
My good friend Lacey and her darling daughter Kylee. Unlimited carousel and train rides!
Last week Lucy and I had a mommy/daughter date and saw Ramona and Beezus. It's a super cute movie and Lucy sat through the whole thing. We had a minor argument before the movie because I made her wear...pants! But as long as I let her take this unicorn purse and let her apply her own lipgloss she agreed to go to the movie with me.

The next day was a different story.
I didn't think this would happen so soon - I was hoping I'd have a few more years but on Saturday I was given the title
"the worst mommy EVER!"
I'll admit my transgressions:
shorts (not a beautiful, magical dress like she requested)
denim shorts (even worse)
t-shirt (a boy t-shirt according to Lucy although it was purchased in the toddler Gap girl category)
ponytail (I thought this would be a cute new look. Lucy said it made her hair look short like a boy. I guess she couldn't see the cute curly pony in back).
(that is her pouting at her bed after she gave me my title)
Moving on. I started a chore chart for Lucy a couple of weeks ago. I thought it would a be a great way for her to start to help out and keep control of her crazy messy room. I explained if she did all of her chores we could pick out a princess prize. So far she's only committed to brushing her teeth.

But when Blake comes home she's more than willing to help out.
In the end Lucy knows I'm the queen of the pushover moms (which I'm working on) and if I somehow stand my ground there's always Gammy (who we met at Toys R Us today because we just had to check out the Princess buy one get one 1/2 off sale!)

Lucy really is such a good girl. If our biggest issue is that she wants to dress like a girly princess we're not doing too bad. She's done so well with her potty-training this summer. She's 100% underwear except for night in pull-ups. She's such a giggler lately and is following my footsteps of an exaggerator and story teller. Her vocabulary and conversations are so funny. Today she said "gosh, just use your imagination mommy" uhh, well I'm driving...
She's our favorite thing in the world. And even though we might not be in school this year - lucky (for both of us!) dance starts in a month!
Ohhhhh!!!! I will miss this girl for three weeks! :(
LOVE this post!!! she is an amazing kid that has an amazing Mom. You are all so lucky!!! And just to let you know Kylee didn't do preschool at all. Which I felt horriable about until she started school and was not behind one bit. Lucy is so smart!!! You should put us on your playdate list!! We really need to get these to girlies together!
This was so fun to read. Cute surprise to see C & Luce in those pics together! I wonder what Lucy will say one day when she's older and finds out what a real-life princess she was every day. Bummer about school. That seems absurd how early you'd have to sign up... ???
And that unicorn purse made me laugh out loud tonight for some reason!
You guys are the best parents!! I always love reading your posts..She is the cutest thang! And I am loving description of the "boy" outfit...haha,you crack me up Codi~
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