with daddy, waiting for shots
Lucy's weight is 7 lb 5 0z and she grew almost 2" since our last visit. She's now just over 21" long - that is a few inches shy of a foot longer than her birth length. The doctor said Lucy is doing great and he's very pleased with her progress. He reminded us she'll always be a slow grower but he was so happy with how healthy she is and how well she's doing developmentally. Everyone knows I'm a list maker and so after 6 weeks I had quite a list of questions. Lucy's doctor is so great and reassuring. He answered every question in detail and was honest and open with us. I'm paranoid about everything and so I had to ask the doctor what was the hard little bump I felt just above Lucy's bum, "Codi, that's her tail bone" he said. I kind of knew that already and my mom had already told me that's what it was but it was still on my list - just to make sure!
Lucy also had her 6 month shots today and luckily I had Blake there to hold and comfort her. She also had her first dose of the flu shot. Beginning next month Lucy will also start receiving the Synagis shot. This is to help protect her from getting RSV this winter. Most preemies and some full term babies with lung problems get the shot throughout the winter. We've realized our time is dwindling to be out and about with Lucy so we're leaving tomorrow for a little Moab getaway but soon after that we will probably not be leaving much. We just cannot risk her getting sick - and it is not the cold weather but the germs that will make her sick. Our outings will be very limited this winter and we will just have to make sure friends and family do not visit if they are sick or have been around anyone else who has been sick - co-workers, friends, people at church, etc.. Lucy's doctor really stressed the importance of this today and we heard it in the NICU all of the time. One little cold virus on someone who is around her (even if they don't feel sick) could potentially send her back to the hospital.
Snuggles and kisses for my brave girl
So our tough little girl did great today and had a super appointment. When I asked her doctor at the end of the visit "do you really think she's doing well" he said "of course, but more importantly how do you think she is doing?". That's what I love so much about her doctor - he knows that us as parents know Lucy best and he makes us feel like good parents every time we leave.
little bandaids for baby thighs
cute baby girl, i love you
Well Baby Girl, I will miss our time together today, but I'm glad you get to have some fun time with Mom and Daddy. We all knew you would have an excellent report from your doctor appointment. You are such a beautiful, smart, healthy, loving little bug. I know I sound like an obnoxious grandma but that's ok. We're getting excited for highchair time. Have a fun getaway. We love you all.
How sweet! I was so happy when Ross was able to make it to the shot appointments with me. He made it to most, which was good.
Lucy is just a sweet heart and I'm so happy that you're updating the blog.
Have fun in Moab.
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