Friday, November 30, 2007
8 Months!
This might be an "obnoxious mom" moment for me. Maybe you'd have to be there, snuggling in bed with my precious big girl on her 8 month birthday and see 400 emotions go across her face with the soft lamp light on her face, to really appreciate this moment. I am starting to go on and on about Lucy now. And I can really say you can't appreciate some of these stories until you are a mom. I know before Lucy I would smile and nod as people I know would tell me about their kids and a morning mishap or a sweet story that happened over the weekend. But I really couldn't or didn't appreciate it that much at the time. Now I've turned into one of those moms. That's probably why I get so excited to go to work, I have a bigger audience to tell about all of my cute bug stories.
Happy birthday sweetheart! (this weekend I will try and catch up with some new pics!)
Monday, November 26, 2007
ready for the holidays?!
my picture of a picture with Santa
waiting in line, wondering if she should try for the pony
Who eats stinky socks? Lucy does!
After I had Lucy and was still in the hospital my aunt & uncle Sandy & Tracy and the girls (Haylie, Aspen & Meg) came to visit and brought Lucy a bunch of darling gifts. This onesie and skullcap was one of them and I loved it so much but I was sad because it seemed so big and I thought she'd never fit into it. But to my surprise we pulled it out on Saturday and it fit perfect and was just as cute as I remembered. I love dressing Lucy up and it's so exciting that so many things fit now - and a little sad that so many are now too small for my big girl.
beautiful girl
Caitlin got some more cute shots of Lucy with her visit with Santa - so if you're interested check out Caitlin's blog (she has some fun stuff too of she and Brinton)
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I'm thankful for...
My wonderful husband for loving me during my freak outs and for being the best dad ever. For making me laugh during the hard times and for being positive and optimistic throughout.
My mom and dad who comforted, loved and supported me through my emotional roller coaster ride of a pregnancy. Who stayed with us in the hospital and comforted me before surgery and who visited the bug every single day she was in the NICU. Also for being the best parents ever and amazing loving grandparents. I'm so lucky to be their daughter.
My sister who is my best friend and someone who I look up to.
My brother who I admire for following his passion and having no fear, and for being a great uncle!
My brother-in-law who left a card on our porch after "the worst day of my life". I cried for an hour after I found it and read the message.
All of my amazing extended family.
Blake's family for their love and support.
Primary nurses (Natasha, Melanie & Donna)
Medical technology
My friends from work - I shouldn't call these girls work friends because they are my closest friends and we don't need a job to stay close. Thank you for everything.
Understanding employers
Perfect babysitting situations (thanks mom)
The parent support group at the NICU
My ob/gyn and other doctors who knew when it was time
Prayers, love, support, phone calls, emails and cards during the hardest times and even the happy times
Puppies who cuddle when you need them the most
Most of all I'm thankful for Lucy. My sweet baby girl we've all been blessed with. I cannot imagine my life without you sweet girl. You have fulfilled my life and my purpose.
Happy thanksgiving!
And to get the holidays off to a fun start, I'm very thankful for this:
Monday, November 19, 2007
the bug likes...
best friends
yes, it's almost 70 degrees but we have to keep those ears warm!
enjoying the warm breeze and flickering leaves
Monday, November 12, 2007
just because...
she's beautiful
she's dramatic (and I love it!)
she's a fashionista (and she loves it!)
she's a snuggle bug who I can watch sleep for hoursbut she's not afraid to let us know she needs her alone time too!
Sunday, November 4, 2007

The dashing Devil (my brother Coleman)
Marie & a Louis (C&B)
Britney Spears (aunt Kim) and the bug - we all know Brit can't be around kids anymore but we let her hold Lucy for a minute as long as she put the super big gulp down!
These two Zeppelin groupies came wandering in and my mom let them in because the chick was 'with child'. Love you D & Lis
The "weenie" and a finally sleeping bug
Every year my dad is a Scotsman and my mom had to lose part of her costume because she was busy in the kitchen - thanks for a great party that we forced you to have before your 6 am next morning flight!
I'm kind of obsessed with Brinton's shoes - this is his second use of them. They premiered two Halloweens ago as Peter Pan.
Lucy was such a party girl this Halloween. She only took one mini nap during the party because she didn't want to miss anything. Lucy loves my mom so much and at the end of the night she was still entertaining us with my mom.