(I haven't done one of these for awhile)
I love...Lucy's independence. Even though it can be scary (she's a speed demon on the stairs) and frustrating ("no, no, no") it is still so fun to see her becoming her own person. She has a very strong personality and I love it!
I love...dark nail polish. Now that summer is winding down the dark plums, browns, reds and black can come out onto my toes.
I love...Janie and Jack. Yes, I love this store and just found out it's coming to Fashion Place. This is not good for my wallet but at least I can see everything in person and if I just HAVE to have something I won't have to pay shipping. Oh Lucy loves this store too!
I love...eating at the kitchen table. This might sounds strange but I have recently realized how much I like it. Pre-Lucy, Blake and I ate like zombies in front of the tv and up until recently we still ate like that. But now that Lucy is eating big girl meals we are eating at the table. Having some music on and conversation beats the droning of the tv.
I love...The Hills! I know, I just bad-mouthed tv but only during dinner :). The Hills is probably the most glossed-over, contrived "reality" show out there but I cannot get enough. I've watched from day one and am so excited the new season has started. Blake secretly loves it too so it's one of a few we agree on.
I love...husbands who make breakfast on the weekend.
I love...the snort face! Out of the blue a few weeks ago Lucy was looking at me and suddenly scrunched up her nose and started snorting. Thinking about it now, maybe I should have taken offense but it is the funniest, cutest little trick she has. Her tiny lips and nose all scrunch together and then she'll just snort. It's hard to catch on camera but this is the gist of it.
I love...Babycenter.com. I know I've mentioned this numerous times but it's so comforting to get on this site and realize for Lucy's birth weight and circumstances that her weight and size is normal for her. There are so many other tiny kiddos out there who are just as healthy - just lovely and petite!
I love...San Diego. It's not exotic or anyplace new but I love taking trips to San Diego. There is so much to do and it's such a fun getaway. Lately I've been planning trips to SD in my head and have been wishing we actually had one in the works. I guess it's because many years during the fall we've had a Southern California trip planned close to our anniversary (Palm Springs, San Diego, Dis). Maybe we'll be able to go sometime next year and visit San Diego and have Lucy visit SeaWorld - she would love it!
I love...kiddie cones!!

And it looks like someone else REALLY loves them too!!