"Oh wow" (Lucy's favorite phrase)! I don't know if I'm ready to say twenty months old - but I guess I don't have much of a choice. I really can't believe how fast time flies. These months are going quicker and quicker and I'm sure December will go just as fast as November did with holidays, outings and activities.
Lucy had a successful Thanksgiving by entertaining us and making us all laugh. Over this long weekend Blake and I have been teaching her French words for fun. She can say bonjour as clear as anything and we're working on some others. Blake doesn't know French but he likes to pretend to and I hear him throughout the house bellowing "bonjour Lucy". It's quite cute. Lucy can say pretty much most letters of the alphabet (repeating them after us) and can count to two. She's really starting to use her hands and arms when she speaks and is really worked up about something. I listen intently and try to figure her out. One day I expect her to just start speaking in full sentences to get me to understand!
Lucy loves being a girl and loves being around her girls. Lucky for her we have lots in our family. She loves going to my mom's shop on Thursdays when I pick her up at noon. She gets to visit with my aunt Kim and aunt Beth and whatever customer happens to be there. She loves to sit on the counter and jabber while she checks out the products. The other night we had girls' night with my sister and Ferguson cousins to eat pizza and watch Troop Beverly Hills (a classic). Well Lucy had to be right there with us, putting on a show, dancing and shaking her bum for all! She was so full of energy and focused on entertaining she slept in the next morning she was so worn out!
And yesterday Lucy went shopping with my mom (gammy), Caitlin and me. She loves to be with the girls and loves stores. But before this little princess would sit quietly and smile to everyone. Now she wants to climb out of shopping carts, squiggle out of seat belts and screech if I don't meet her commands. But all of this is expected at twenty months so I'm glad to know she's on track!
Baby girl, we love you so much. You make our days so fun and exciting. We love your funny laugh and cute smile. You are so smart and it is so neat to watch you learn. Thank you for being such a sweet girl. We love you Luce, happy twenty months.

winter time means - Uggs and little Uggs!