This past week Lucy and I started our mom & tot swim class! We had been counting down to this class for a month and last Monday we were both so excited for our first lesson. There are five little ones in Lucy's class - the minnows! There are two girls and three boys and Lucy is the smallest and youngest of the five. But she's also the happiest and the biggest flirt! On the first class she already had her eye on one little guy Oliver, 16 months. She kept splashing him and watched his every move. Lucy's favorite part of class is singing. We've sung "if you're happy and you know it splash your hands...", "ring around the rosies", "motorboat" and various other songs and rhymes. Lucy has no fear when it comes to the water and she only cried when the class was over, the whistle blew and we had to get out of the pool. Our class is Monday and Wednesday mornings and lasts the full month. I think we'll both be so addicted to our morning pool time that at the end of the lessons we'll have to go have our own pool time! It's almost impossible to get any good pictures when you're in the middle of a swim class so these were the only two I could get this week. Blake is going to come and take pictures of the bug on one of her next lessons.

yama-hama-fright-night and no makeup (me) cute girl dunzo with pictures and ready to dive in (Lucy)

hanging out in her Juicy pants before swim time!
Wish I had some Juicy pants to hang out in. I love Lucy's swimsuit and she looks so much older in these pictures than the last time I saw her which wasn't even two weeks ago; crazy!
I'm so glad you're doing these lessons because now Lucy won't be afraid of surfing when she gets older, like me, because she'll feel a lot more secure in the water. She's so cute in her suit.
Oh much fun! This is so great to do for her!
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