Is it really 18 months - how did that happen so fast?! Sweet baby girl - you are a year and a half!! Such the little toddler you are. I can't decide which is harder to believe, that you turned one six months ago or that you will be a two year old in six months!?

Lucy is really the most perfect little girl. I know I run the chance of the terrible two's emerging at some point but there's no sight of it yet. Yes, we see a mischievous grin, curiosity and conveniently not listening sometimes but nothing too bad yet. So many people ask if she's REALLY that good - and sorry, but she is. She rarely if ever fusses, whines or cries. She is a charmer to everyone she meets and follows her schedule like a little soldier. Not that we're the great enforcers or anything; hello - some might say she is walking all over us! But Lucy is really the best little girl around.
At 18 months Lucy's adjusted age is about 15 1/2 months. She's not walking yet but it's very close. I see the feistiness in her eyes and I know she just wants to take off but then she gets a little cautious and finds another faster way to get where she wants. Whatever Lucy is lacking in her walking skills she's more than making up for in talking skills (what a girl!) miss jabber mouth talks up a storm. She has so many words she says and understands and also little phrases that I think Blake and I only get. But she loves to jabber while looking at books, while playing and in the backseat of the car. As for interests I guess I made the mistake turning on Sesame Street one morning because she is in love with it. So we have limits but Elmo is very loved in the house. And in a few weeks Lucy will get to see Elmo in person! For our anniversary I got Blake (and Lucy - package deal!) a trip to San Diego for a few nights. I've been having some major San Diego cravings and when I found out the Sesame Street gang has joined SeaWorld I knew it was time to book a trip. So in a few weeks baby girl we'll be meeting your beloved Elmo!
Each of these month milestones are such a big deal to Blake and me. I'm sure most parents feel the same way but for us we see how far our beautiful daughter has come. She's the happiest, most beautiful, funny girl. I know I'm gushing but I can't help it. Some nights Blake and I will think back to those NICU days and how that fragile, tiny, just over a pound little girl immediately melted our hearts. With all of the tubes, wires and monitors helping Lucy we saw how strong and brave she was and would be. Now this wild hyena has the cutest gap-toothed smile, loves giving EVERYONE kisses, dances for her favorite foods and continues to melt our hearts. I love you princess and happy 18 months! Daddy and I are so proud of you and you've made us such happy and thankful parents. You are amazing!!
Lucy, party like it's your birthday today! Lucy you are everything your mama was talking about just now and more. Seeing you in action is the very best, although these pictures are WAY adorable. Just when I thought your smile couldn't be any more bright... it gets brighter! You=sunshine. I want to see you again.
Love you all!
Codi, I love your Call It Off song. I am getting to be in love with it and visit your blog to listen to it. I too have had a San Diego hankering! Oh so much. I ALMOST booked a trip there due to my impulsive nature for 10/7-11! I guess we wouldn't have been there the same time. But with Bangladesh we've gotta watch the dolla$. Anyway, we've settled on Panguitch, Vee, hiking, Bryce Canyon which I love too but the BEACH has been calling to me. So thrilled Lucy gets to meet Elmo and you guys get to go to one of the most beautiful destinations ever, San Diego! Have a great day.
Happy 18 months Lucy. You're amazing! Love you.
Happy 18 month birthday Lucy. Thank you for spending your special day with grandpa and me. By the things you were doing today I think you think you are a 2 year old. We are so thankful every single day that you are our special grandaughter and so blessed that you are in our lives. 18 more hugs and kisses...We love you Grandma and Grandpa xoxo
Man, 18 months! Time flies, and it hopefully will make me appreciate these times even more! That first picture of her is so sassy! Adorable!
And did you book a trip for all of us...we can't wait!
No really, do enjoy for us all.
I LOVE the new look!
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