Monday, September 15, 2008


This weekend we went on a family date - well, Lucy and I thought it was a family date but then we found out it was actually a double date.  Lucy and me with Blake and chicken curry.  Blake is pretty much in love with Mi La Cai noodle house.  He has been ordering the chicken curry for years and every time says "this is the best batch ever".  Mi La Cai has mysteriously been closed for like three months.  Supposedly remodeling was to be done but Blake (who must know the entire restaurant and back kitchen layout said nothing has been changed).  So during this long closure Blake would routinely call to see when the grand re-opening would be and when he would be reunited with his one true love (kidding, kidding).  Anyway, it opened last week and yeah, it's pretty good but Blake is kind of ridiculous for it - and Lucy and I were kind of embarrassed.  Just kidding we love that you love curry - and we love that you let us tag along.  

I can't tell if his mouth is full or if he's making kissy lips - to curry, not me.

oookaaay, it's just curry dad

my cute date Lucy for the night - the two of us had maggie moo's ice cream and it was love for us too!

1 comment:

Alisa said...

Lucy and her snort face! Oh my gosh, I want to see her again. I loved reading about the zoo. I wish you guys could have toted that turtle home for me; I LOVE turtles! What a great shot of you and Luce at the end; gorgeous. I love your scarf and you look hot in pink/purple. Heck, I'll be your date next time (;

Can't blame Blake for loving the noodle house. I ate there once and I didn't soon forget the taste of that food. I noticed when I passed there the other day that they were having a grand reopening and I was like, "WTF?!"